Posted by ayawngboring | File under : , , , ,

For the the girl who always stay by my side through ups and down!
For the girl who did everything just to finish my study,
For the girl that always understand and have a lot of patience for me,
For the girl who teaches me what is right and wrong and guide me through my decision,
For the girl that is taking care my son right now

I love you!

I may not be very vocal to say how much I love you.
I may not be a good daughter to you.
I may not did what your dreams for me.
I may not be the one who always check up on you.

but, I am the one who is very thankful to have you as my mother'
Thank you for everything and everything.
How I wish I can do my best to give you the life that you've been wishing for.
I will do my best for you and I will never leave you ma'
Always remember that I will take care of you up to the last minute.
 I love you forever and ever..


This is my favorite song for you'

Happy, to let you know
You make me glow
I feel so good, it's true
So glad that I have you
You love me so
Now all is bright

I'll always thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm glowing, glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you

Remember, my growing years
They're filled with joy
Because you're there for me
You cast my fears away
You wipe those tears
You gave me strength each day

I thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm glowing, glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you

Who knows of what tomorrow brings
My glowing wings can make me fly
I'll reach and now I touch the sky
Because of you I'll sore up high
So I must

Thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm glowing, glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you


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