Posted by ayawngboring | File under : ,
I've been in this place with my family last April 2015  and I can say that it is a nice place to be with your family.

I feel so relax when I am there.

Posted by ayawngboring | File under : , ,

Can you feel the heat? It's summer time!

This year our company choose to have an outing at the beach'. Sounds good right?

Yes it is! Hahaha.

We go to Palm Beach Resort - Laiya, Batangas its about 2-3 hours of travel form Makati.
I made sure that I can have enough photo to post here in my blog.

We arrive at the beach around 12 noon. So we waited 1hr for us to be checked in.

The sea was really inviting. and the place was nice. If you are a very private person you can surely enjoy the place.

waiting lounge



photo : credit to tere

photo : credit to tere

photo : credit to tere


What can you say? Nice place right?

I can say that I enjoy my staying there. What about you? Where do you go this summer? Feel free to share it at the comment box below.

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