Posted by ayawngboring | File under : , , ,

It was my first time to create my own account on flip board coz I am not familiar with it. One of our PR said that we should have our own account for each project that we’ve handle. So we decided to create our own profile then.

At first, I know that I have a hint that this is gonna be boring because our niche is about immigration and some traveling. But then, I am wrong. Each time I look for the interesting article to flip. I suddenly enjoy it.

I started to create one magazine, and then every day I keep posting different articles from different sites that are related to my niche. It is entitled Pathways Canada

Pathways Canada is the official online magazine for Migration Expert Canada. We post the latest in Canadian immigration and travel news. Follow us if you are interested in working, living or traveling to Canada.

I started to follow some interesting flippers so that they can follow me back. My goal is to have enough followers on my flip board, but it goes more than that.

Our PR talk to me one morning and says’ “I am so proud of you! You really understand the concept of our flip board”, then I replied him “thanks! hehe”. I never know why do he need to say that.

Then he showed me the reason, there is a list of the cool magazines that personally chosen by the admin of Flip board. They called it #magswelove. He said that my flip board makes it on the list.

Pathways Canada on the center
I am shocked and happy. I didn't expect that they have that kind of popular magazine listing. I am glad that my effort has been acknowledge. Most of the Magazine on the list have a thousand of views, followers and articles to flip. While my magazine just have few followers and articles. I think they based it on how many people viewed your magazine. 

I am still happy to be in the list. I just wish my magazine stay there for atleast 1 month. I decided to create new magazines too. 

What about you do you also have Flip board magazine? Can you share it with us at the comment box bellow. Thanks for dropping by.

Posted by ayawngboring | File under : ,
Hi guys!

Sorry if I am not active for the last few months. I am just not in the mood to write and give update.
I will try to have more time in writing next time.

My goal for this year is to gain more money!

I am sure everyone wants it. Wish more blessing come to us!

I hope you guys are still in good condition.

Keep in touch..

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