Posted by ayawngboring | File under : , , , ,
It is hard to please all the people that surrounds you,
It is not easy to deal with them if you really not feel to,
and sometimes it is better to "tell/speak out" what you really feel so they would understand you.

This day, I've learned that even you saw good seeds to somebody, they will still don't appreciate it.
All they can remember is the wrong thing that you do' and forget about the good times that you shared.
You can't even call them a friend if you know for your self that they been hiding bad criticism about you.

Also, I've learned that you need to deal with them even if you don't want to just for the sake of your job. It's so sad to know that after that day of laughing and smiles that you shared there is hatred that been hiding on her heart.
It sucks you saw faces that is really guilty, and keep avoiding you like you do such a crime. Keep doing that on work is really not good. It pushes negative energy.
I already prayed that god may lead them to the path they want to go. Sound's fun right? but I really am.
It is better to talk to him whether it is good things of bad things. 

If you live your life with hatred in your heart' you will never feel the happiness that your looking for.
I wish you all the best to your next journey. Even though we had a misunderstanding before' I still like you as my friend.

This song is for you'

I wanna see you be brave

Posted by ayawngboring | File under : ,

When I first saw this' I can't help but laugh and smile whenever I remember hahahahah

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